Monday, April 25, 2011

Fred Beckey Documentary

In the world of American climbing, there is one name that stands above all others. And no, it's not Ed Viesters, or Steve House, or Alex Honnald, or Lynn Hill, or any one of a dozen more names. The person who stands above all others is Fred Beckey.

Fred is perhaps responsible for more first ascents than anybody in the history of the planet. The octogenarian has been climbing since he was sixteen years old and has been a force in American climbing throughout his entire life.

The Mountaineers have recently strung together a number of different films that were taken of the climber throughout his life. This amazing silent film documenting many of Fred's ascents can be seen below:

--Jason D. Martin


  1. Fred is an icon but to say there nobody like him is ridiculous. Look up Fritz Weissner some time. Fred happens to be a PNW icon so he's on everyone's mind.

  2. Weissner was FB's fav climber


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