Saturday, January 26, 2013

Weekend Warrior - Videos to get you STOKED!!

Back in 2010, Will Gadd and Tim Emmett established the first climbs at the otherworldly Helmcken Falls, a few hours from Lillooet, BC.  This winter, Helmcken has seen some more action.  Here's some highlights, including Wolverine, which is possibly the hardest ice climb in the world at a proposed WI11!

BD athletes Klemen Premrl and Tim Emmett making the first and second ascents of Wolverine (WI11) at Helmcken Fall, Canada from Black Diamond Equipment on Vimeo.

This next clip goes to the ladies out there who are tearing up the slopes. Here's a little something to pump you up!

For those of you who are eagerly anticipating the warmer temps of summer and can't wait to get out on some rock, here's a quickie with a good message for you - If you are having trouble overcoming your own climbing obstacles, go get inspired by someone else!

Have a great weekend! - James

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