AAI Backpacking guide, Jeff Ries, recently took a trip up to Alaska and had the opportunity to snap some photos while he was flying around.
The first set are aerial views of Stikine LeConte Wilderness area, east of Wrangell Alaska. These photos were taken on July 28, 2009.
Between Devils thumb and LeConte Glacier
Patterson Glacier
Devils Thumb
West of Devils thumb and Le Conte GlacierThis second set of photos are from the Saint Elias range. These were taken on July 29, 2009.
Mt Cook, 13,766ft is on the Yukon Alaska border
Mt Logan, at 19,850 feet, is the highest mountain in Canada and the second-highest peak in North America. Measured by its base circumference, it is the most massive mountain in the world. It is twenty-five miles long and rises more than two miles above its surroundings. The ridge crest of the mountain is about 10 miles (16 km) across and has 8 summits over 18,000 feet, while the entire mass is more than 20 miles (32 km) long.
Mount Saint Elias (18,008), Mount Cook, Mount Logan
Mt. Cook, Mt. Logan (19,850), Mt. Vancouver (15,700) with 70 mile long
Hubbard Glacier in foreground
Amazing, as usual!
captions for Mt Cook photo and Mt Logan photos are switched. Logan has the long summit and is also seen in the last two pictures
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