Following is a photo essay of our flight. Click on the photos if you would like to see a larger version. All of these photos were taken on October 16th.

The North Buttress can be seen on the left-hand side of the mountain.
The North Buttress of Hunter is a world-class feature that includes the iconic Moonflower Buttress Route (AK Grade VI, 5.8, A2, M5, AI 6)

The flat spot just left of center is where the 14,000 foot camp for the West Buttress Route is established every year.

The prominent rib in the center of the picture is climbed on the right hand side and then followed until it reaches the upper mountain.

There are two popular routes on the West Face, the Harvard Route (AK Grade VI, A2, 70-degree ice) and the West Face Couloir (AK Grade V, 85-degree ice)

This was the site of Mount Huntington's first ascent in 1964 by a party led by the iconic alpinist, Lionel Terray.

Ham and Eggs (AK Grade IV, 5.9, AI 4) can be found at the back of the deep gully on the right.

The routes on the East Face are seriously hard. A couple of examples include Dance of the Woo Li Masters (AK Grade VII, A5, 5.10b) and Arctic Rage (AK Grade VI AI6+R, A2).
For information on our Alaska programs, please click here.
--Jason D. Martin
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