[photo found at greatoutdoors.com]
Specific projects for Mount Rainier:
- Improve public access to Carbon River that was damaged in the floods.
- Replace exhibits at Sunrise Visitor Center and improve view access for disabled people.
- Specific work includes major reroutes on the Glacier Basin and Carbon RiverWonderland Trail; a reroute on the Kautz Creek Trail; installation of guard rail on the Silver Falls Trail at Ohanapecosh; Stevens Canyon Wonderland Trail repairs; and repairs to bridges at Deer Creek, Stevens Creek, Martha Falls, Paradise River, Devils Dream, and the Ohanapecosh River.
- Stabilize riverbank and repair damaged pavement on Longmire back road.
- Replace electric power lines at Narada Falls overlook
- Build accessible trailhead at new Henry M. Jackson Memorial Visitor Center
- Fix structural problems in historic buildings
- Install grid-tied solar systems on park buildings. To read more, click here.
- Many paved roads and parking areas will receive chip seal and slurry treatments designed to prolong their planned life.
- Park campsites will receive new fire pits and grills.
- Broken picnic tables and benches will be replaced, and some campsite surfaces will be hardened to allow for improved accessibility.
- Water storage tanks at Cottonwood and Black Rock will be cleaned and painted to resist corrosion and help meet state water quality standards.
- About half of the 1.5-mile Fortynine Palms Oasis Trail will be renovated to repair damaged sections of the trail.
- Numerous other park trails will see brush cleared, waterbars built, retaining walls and erosion-control features constructed, and disturbed areas replanted with native desert vegetation.
- In addition, numerous abandoned mines in the park will have wildlife-friendly exclos
ures built to improve visitor safety while enhancing the value of the sites for bats and other wildlife.
--Daniel Hartwick, AAI Intern
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